Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
More on Rocks

Wednesday, August 1, 2007
The Mating Habits of Rocks

Friday, July 13, 2007
Paris, Part Trois

Ok, on a more important note, the Mets win their first game of the second half. Go Mets! Although it's sad to see Father Time, aka Julio Franco, off the team.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Paris, Part Deux

But now that Paris is out of jail, she can do what she wants, and as you can see from this picture of Paris holding The Knuckleball From Hell, Paris wants everyone to know that she is reading and enjoying it immensely.

Thursday, June 21, 2007
Is Paris Burning?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Book Signing Sat. at Borders

This Sat., June 23, at 2pm at Borders Books of Saratoga Springs, NY, I will be doing a book signing/event. Should be fun!!! You may have heard the rumors that Borders will be moving out all the books in order to install a baseball field for the event, and to tell you the truth I have no idea if it's true. Borders has been very secretive about everything, which includes another rumor that a famous baseball player, possibly Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, or David Wright, will show up to take part in the festivities. Then another rumor began circulating that Paris Hilton was also going to be there. I don't know where these rumors are coming from, but Borders will not confirm or deny them, so I am really unsure what to think.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Let the Games Begin!!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
What a Night!

Thursday, June 14, 2007
It's Here!!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2007
Coming Soon!

It's coming...The Knuckleball From Hell is coming in 2 weeks. That's 14 days, 336 hours, 20,160 minutes, and 1,209,600 seconds. Can you wait? Life as we know it will not be the same after it comes out, for peace will break out across the world, blonds will stop having more fun, Superman will no longer be weakened by Kryptonite, and the Mets will be in first. Oh, they're in first now. Well then, I shoulda said the Yankees.
People have been asking me about this character Donutman who appears in the book. In fact, the US Department of Health is concerned he will be a bad role model for kids because he is promoting the consumption of donuts. But what I tell them is that these are no carbs, no fats, no sugars, no articial anything, donuts. These are special donuts that make Donutman the powerful superhero he is. They are made of spinach, salmon, and oat bran, and nothing else. In fact, Donutman just signed an endorsement deal with Dunkin Donuts, and all their donuts are now going to have the Donutman seal of approval, if they are made with spinach, salmon, and oat bran. Dunkin Donuts, in a press release announcing the endorsement deal, stated that 90% of the donuts they sell will now be these types of donuts.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Check out the YouTube video
Here's the video that's been posted on YouTube of The Knuckleball From Hell. Enjoy! Feel free to post a comment or to rate it.
Monday, May 14, 2007

Ok, it was a long swim from Guantanamo - you think they would have offered me at least a boat ride - but I'm back. It's great to be here once again, and I will abide by the Vice-President's dictum and only discuss the Mets. But then again, is there any other topic worth talking about? So let's discuss hair. To your left is a photograph taken the other day from inside the Mets clubhouse, when a serial razor went through the Mets clubhouse and sheared the locks of all Mets in their path. Samson may have rolled in his grave, thinking about what Delilah did to him. But so far the results are promising - the Mets are winning with their new locks. Which means others are now getting on the bandwagon. Exhibit A is the picture to the lower right - this picture was taken inside the Mets clubhouse one hour ago, this is a new rookie who wants to be on the team and was willing to shear their locks. What do you say - just because the rookie had the haircut, does the rookie now get to be on the team?

Tuesday, May 1, 2007
From The Boss

The boss here. My understudy George asked me for a request to free this Michael Wayne terrorist from Guantanamo. I have reviewed the records and I'm not thrilled about letting him out, but I'll relent. Just this once. Never again after that. But we'll be watching him. He does anything funny or says anything funny on his website, www.knuckleballfromhell.com
then he's going back. Stick to the Mets Mr. Wayne, and then while not fully safe, you at least have a better chance of being a free man.
Friday, April 27, 2007
The President of the United States, George W. Bush

Y'know, I don't like it when Democrats start politicizing issues that shouldn't be politicized. So when Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who isn't a Democrat, came to me with an issue that wasn't political, I decided it was time I was the Agreer-in-Chief. I'm already the Decider-in-Chief, which Mayor Bloomberg isn't. But as Agreer-in-Chief, I agreed that it was time to agree. And so, after I talk it over with my boss, and you know who I'm talking about, if He agrees, then I will, as Agreer-in-Chief, be willing to release this fellow, the one who wrote that book about the Knucklething from you know where - my religious beliefs don't allow me to say from where - that fellow is Michael Wayne, my people tell me. Well, if the boss tells me so, then I, George W. Bush, will, as Agreer-in-Chief, let him go.
Monday, April 23, 2007
A Message From New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg

A grave injustice has been done. Michael Wayne, the author of "The Knuckleball From Hell," a book that finally gives all Mets fans something to be proud of and something to laugh about, and in the process unites all Mets fans, should not be taken away to Guantanamo by the Department of Homeland Security. Just because he poked a little fun at the Department is no reason for them to get all bent out of shape about it. Please write your congressman or senator about this. I will do all in my power to fix this. Michael Wayne is a great American, and a Mets fan to boot.
Go Mets!
HIzzoner Michael Bloomberg
Friday, April 20, 2007
From the Department of Homeland Security:

This post is from Special Agents Tom Bishop and Bob Temple of the Department of Homeland Security. We have seized the blog of one Michael Wayne, who we have had under surveillance for some time now, because of his disparaging remarks he has made about us, our chicken wing eating habits, and our Department. Mr. Wayne is currently waiting to be shipped to Guantanamo. We ask that for the sake of this country, and for the sake of the future of mankind, you do not read his book. It is subversive and undermines everything this country stands for. You can go now, although do not go to www.knuckleballfromhell.com
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Coming June 15!

Ok, Mets fans, sports fans, baseball fans, and fans of offbeat, irreverent humor: are you ready for The Knuckleball From Hell? It's only the funniest book of the year! It's coming June 15. Be forewarned...cause ready or not...and if you aren't ready, them chicken-wing eating Department of Homeland Security Special Agents will get you!
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